... a biblical perspective on money and possessions in light of eternity

Saturday, 25 November 2017

NT Guidelines: Give Proportionately

A great example of this is the first recorded impending famine in Judea and how the church family rallied together to send in a donation, each to their ability.

The rich give more, the poor give less - that is why Jesus made it a point to call out the widow who put two copper coins in the temple treasury - she gave everything while the rich only gave something.

The Canadian Centre for Philanthrophy came out with a fact sheet recently - this caught my eye --

Are high income donors more generous?
Although Canadians with higher household
incomes gave larger annual amounts, those with
lower incomes contributed a larger percentage
of their income. Donors with incomes under
$40,000 contributed a significantly larger
percentage of their income compared to those
with incomes of $40,000 or more.
Donors with household incomes of less than
$20,000 contributed the highest percentage of
household income in charitable donations (1.4%).
The percentage of household income
contributed in donations decreased steadily as
income increased.
Of those who earned over $100,000 - 91% gave 0.01% of their income to charity.  Those who earned less than $20,000 - gave 1.4% of their income away.

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