We need to do some homework before we give.
Asking those in leadership in our church for advice, checking carefully a ministry's publications and financial statements, meeting ministry representatives, visiting one of their offices and better still, observing the work on the mission field are how we can gather better intel on what a ministry looks like.
Unfortunately most of us do not have the opportunity of meeting some of the staff that normally do not appear in a public setting - the database coordinator, the mail room clerk, the website developer etc - and there you might find the real nature of the ministry. Do they demonstrate a servant-heart concern for those who are receiving ministry? Do they demonstrate a sense of unity, camaraderie and mutual respect? For those who have left the ministry - what happened and why? Is the ministry Biblically sound and Christ-centred? Is prayer present and are they asking the Lord for His guidance and the Holy Spirit's empowerment? Do the leaders demonstrate integrity, purity and humility? Are they open to input to improve or become more strategic? Can the expenses of funds into administration and fund raising make sense? Does the ministry really understand the cross-cultural factors based on how the flow of money is managed? Does the ministry speak well of others in their same field of work and do they cooperate with them? Does the ministry have an eternal perspective?
Of course, if you are not interested in supporting a Christian ministry, many of these questions would not need to be answered.
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