... a biblical perspective on money and possessions in light of eternity

Tuesday 26 June 2018


Read a great illustration that made how I live my life on earth in perspective of heaven.  If my home was in the Netherlands and I was visiting Canada for lets say, 6 months what would that look like with these kinds of rules.  I cannot take anything back home with me, nor can I ship anything or carry back any money with me.  But while I am in Canada, I can earn money and send deposits to my bank account back in the Netherlands.  Question: Would I fill my hotel room with furniture and cover my walls with pictures and drape my windows with curtains?  I do not think so.  Since my time in Canada is only 6 months, I would send all my money home knowing full well they'll be waiting for me when I arrive. 
You made my life short,
so brief that the time
means nothing to you.
“Human life is but a breath - Psalm 39:5

Our portfolios, in light of eternity should have strategic kingdom-building projects which we can be funding with what God has given to us to give.
... for you to share with them when you have so much, and they have so little. Later, when they have more than enough, and you are in need, they can share with you. Then everyone will have a fair share, you will be blessed in every way, and you will be able to keep on being generous. Then many people will thank God when we deliver your gift. - 2 Corinthians 8:14;9:11
Three billion people today are outside Jesus Christ. Two-thirds of those do not have a viable Christian witness in their culture. If they are to hear — and Christ commands that they hear — cross-cultural missionaries will have to be sent and paid for. All the wealth needed to send this new army of good news ambassadors is in the American church. If we, like Paul, are content with the simple necessities of life, thousands of dollars at Bethlehem, and millions of dollars in the Baptist General Conference, and hundreds of millions of dollars in the Protestant church would be released to take the gospel to the frontiers. And the revolution of joy and freedom it would cause at home would be the best local witness imaginable. The biblical call is that you can and ought to be content with the simple necessities of life. Therefore, don’t try to get rich. - John Piper

We should work not only to meet the needs of our family and because it is healthy, but also so that we can take our earnings and use it to help those in need.

If you are a thief, quit stealing. Be honest and work hard, so you will have something to give to people in need. - Ephesians 4:28

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