... a biblical perspective on money and possessions in light of eternity

Saturday, 21 July 2018

An intriguing proposal

Dr. Winter is founder of the Order for World Evangelization and General Director of the Frontier Mission Fellowship in Pasadena, CA. He wrote an article titled, RE-CONSECRATION TO A WARTIME LIFESTYLE

He is the paragraph that describes the "action" part of the article, in other words, what do we do?
The essential tactic in adopting a wartime lifestyle is to build on pioneer mission perspective by a very simple and dramatic method. Those who are awakened from the groggy stupor of our times can, of course, go as missionaries. But they can also stay home and deliberately and decisively adopt a missionary support level as their standard of living and their basis of lifestyle regardless of income. This will free up an unbelievable amounts of money—so much so that if a million average Presbyterian households, for example, were to live within the average minister’s salary, it would create at least two billion “new” dollars annually. What a mighty gift to the nations if carefully spent on developmental missions! To reconsecrate ourselves to a wartime lifestyle will involve a mammoth upheaval for a significant minority. But with ends as noble as the Great Commission, a wartime lifestyle is an idea whose time has come.
 Of course, such a mentality can be carried to far, far enough that we feel it's unfaithful to enjoy any possessions, pleasures or special activities.  Even in wartime it is important to have battle breaks.

What we are saying is that we too often assume that God has increased our income in order to increase our standard of living, when He really wants us to increase our level of giving.

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